Thought Leadership Round-Up Brought to you by Chief Investment Officer

CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER is pleased to present our Thought Leadership Round-Up newsletter. Here we feature articles, whitepapers, webcasts, and podcasts from thought leaders in the industry.

Featured Podcasts
CIO Podcast: Mansco Perry: A Lifetime of Investing
2018 Lifetime Achievement honoree discusses his career, private equity, and his love of baseball.
Featured Thought Leadership
Drilling Down for Diversification
Diagnostics help investors see beyond the asset-class level through a factor lens, and identify unintended risk
Sponsored by Invesco
What CIOs Want and Need from Asset Managers

Beyond investment management, CIOs are looking for their asset managers to become partners in setting strategy and managing risk.

Sponsored by Invesco
Published in Chief Investment Officer
Managing Pension Risk
How Plan Sponsors Are Using LDI and Alternatives
Sponsored by FACTSET
Featured Whitepapers
The New World of Regtech in Managing Regulatory Data
Leveraging technology to better manage regulatory data can ease the weight of compliance.
Sponsored by Northern Trust
Does the Stock-Bond Correlation Really Matter?
Taken literally, the stock-bond correlation generally says little about their relative performance.
Sponsored by PIMCO
Basic concepts for understanding factor investing
Factor investing aims to improve risk return trade-offs over the long term by targeting rigorously studied investment factors.
Sponsored by Invesco
Featured Webcasts
Building For Tomorrow: Re-Thinking the Relationship Between Technology and Process in the 21st Century Investment Office

Join Northern Trust for a discussion about evaluating the investment office through the lens of today’s capabilities: how to understand underlying needs, why it’s critical to think about technology alongside (rather than in place of) existing staffing and controls, and what questions you should ask to get beneath the surface and identify the real value technology can deliver.

Sponsored by Northern Trust
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