2022 Asset Management & Servicing Winners

Recognizing service providers driving innovation in institutional investing
Reported by Samantha Yu

Consultant of the Year

Aiperion Winner
(in recognition of the service of Sorina Zahan)

Seeking to go beyond modern portfolio theory, which was introduced back in 1952, Aiperion (founded in 2019) does not rely on the single-point, single-period estimates that constitute typical portfolio and risk model inputs and outputs. Instead, its approach is nonlinear, multidimensional and probabilistic. In other words, it accounts for the reality that correlations, betas and volatilities constantly change. That, it says, is a fact most investors know, or at least feel, but fail to account for in their analyses.

Aiperion leverages all manner of artificial intelligence, designed to work with sparse and imperfect data, which is the reality investors face, to streamline analysis processes. Its mantra is: “We change the way you think about risk.” By addressing the mathematical shortcomings inherent in traditional approaches, Aiperion says it can run completely unconstrained optimizations that produce reasonable sets of solutions along an efficient frontier, where one finds the highest risk/return results.


• Mercer Consulting, in recognition of the service of Cori Trautvetter

• NEPC, in recognition of the service of Kristin Reynolds and Allan Martin