BlackRock Exits Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
Maryland Pension to Add Climate Advisory Panel
Institutional Investors Representing $9.4T Have Set Decarbonization Targets
Investing in the Inputs
How investors are capitalizing on the need for sustainable building materials.
Taking Wing: Renewable Aviation Fuel Could Have a Strong Investment Future
Chevron and smaller companies bet that animal fats, trash and sugar, among other offbeat things, will power airplanes.
Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Investments
Eroding profits would happen gradually, but the result would still be horrendous, scholar Rebonato warns.
Economic Damage From Climate Change Could Dent Global Income by 19% Over 25 Years
BlackRock, Temasek JV Fund Surpasses Target With $1.4 Billion Close
Decarbonization Partners aims to invest in firms that support the acceleration of decarbonization.
SEC Climate Rule Will Reduce Information Asymmetry, Protect Investors, Congressman Says
South Carolina Bill Seeks to Shield Agriculture Firms From ESG Requirements
The Farmers Protection Act is the latest pushback by Republicans to prevent financial firms from applying environmental, social, and governance standards.
NYC Pensions Negotiate Worker Safety Deals With Major Telecoms Companies
SBA Communications, American Tower, and Crown Castle have agreed to increase disclosures about tower site safety.
ECB Research Finds Climate-Aligned Banks All Talk, No Action
White paper’s findings suggest that voluntary private-sector initiatives ‘may have relatively little impact on decarbonization.’
UK Pension Regulator Sets Targets for Reaching Net Zero by 2030, 2050
TPR said it will aim to eliminate up to 90% of emissions, while offsetting the remaining 10% with carbon credits.
Japan’s GPIF Equity Managers Rate Microsoft, Enel Tops for Climate Risk Disclosure
The software giant and Italian utilities firm received rave reviews for their TCFD disclosures and net zero commitments.