
UK Merger Market Hurt by DB Pensions


A CBI/Watson Wyatt study also shows that corporate profits are more often than not hurt by the pension costs associated with defined benefit systems.

Canadian Pensions Both Worried, Proud


A new poll shows that, while Canadian pension plan sponsors are worried about meeting their liabilities, they still are confident that the national retirement system is better equipped to handle future challenges than the rest of the world.

Investors Demand Climate-Change Risk Transparency


A group of investors that includes CalPERS, CalSTRS, bcIMC, and others has petitioned the SEC in hopes of requiring companies to disclose balance-sheet risk relating to climate change.

CalPERS’ Board Votes To Restrict Placement Agents


Following a national trend and hoping to align itself with new state laws, pension giant CalPERS has increased disclosure requirements for investment managers that utilize placement agents.

As Leaders Gather, SWFs Warn of Protectionism


Funds from across the globe gathered in Singapore alongside world leaders to express their concerns over protectionism—and to promote the idea of sovereign wealth funds as long-term, stable investors.