Blankfein to FCIC: Asset Owners Are Professionals Who Wanted Mortgage Exposure
With Charges of Bribery and Corruption, CalPERS to Increase Transparency
Financial Crisis Committee Begins Hearings; Blankfein Takes the Train
Illinois Pension Fund Sues Goldman Over Bonus Plans
Wesleyan Sues Ex-Endowment Chief, Claiming Fraud
For more than eight years, one of the highest paid employees at Wesleyan used university access and funds to make money at other companies and finance family vacations and international recreational trips, the suit alleges.
State Street to Compensate Netherlands Pension Fund for Lehman Loss
Morgan Stanley Accused of Defrauding Investors
Alaskan Mercer Suit Headed to Trial
With Goldman Lawsuit, Populism Reaches Pension Funds
Financial giant Goldman Sachs has been sued by a $5.8 billion union pension plan over its alleged use of TARP and FDIC-backed funds to pay executive bonuses.
Australian Pension Report Shows Governance Changes on Horizon
The Cooper Review, releasing an interim report, suggests that greater trustee skill and levels of governance should be instituted in the island nation’s pension sector.
Investigations Deepen at CalPERS
The SEC has asked the nation’s largest public pension fund whether two former officials had any contact with an alternative investment manager convicted of paying officials for access to funds.
Institutional Investors Inch Toward Global Warming Opportunities
Despite recent controversy over e-mails and a conference that is likely to lead to little in hard results, there is growing evidence that institutional investors increasingly are investing with global warming in mind.
Ohio, On Behalf of Pension Funds, Files Suit Against Rating Agencies
Following similar suits by Mississippi and California, the Ohio Attorney General files suit against rating agencies.
Investors Demand Climate-Change Risk Transparency
A group of investors that includes CalPERS, CalSTRS, bcIMC, and others has petitioned the SEC in hopes of requiring companies to disclose balance-sheet risk relating to climate change.