The tenth annual Innovation gala will again be held at the New York Public Library. Together with the asset-owning and managing community, Chief Investment Officer will highlight and celebrate the very best of institutional investing on December 12. Finalists and winners are chosen by the CIO editorial team in conjunction with an Advisory Board of CIOs. The CIO of the Year Award and NextGen award will also be announced during the award ceremony.
This year’s advisors include former award winners and CIOs: Chris Ailman of CalSTRS; Raphael Arndt of Australia’s Future Fund; Paul Ballard of Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Co.; Harshal Chaudhari of IBM; Dan Chu of Sierra Club; Matt Clark of South Dakota Investment Council; Anne Dinneen of Hamilton College; Jonathan Grabel of LACERA; Rosalind Hewsenian of Helmsley Charitable Trust; David Holmgren of Hartford HealthCare; Robert Hunkeler of International Paper; Kim Lew of Carnegie Corp.; Allan Martin of NEPC; Sam Masoudi of Wyoming Retirement System; Jacque Millard of Intermountain Healthcare; Chad Myhre, Portfolio Manager of Hedge Funds and Domestic Equities, Public School and Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri (NextGeneration winner of 2018); Mansco Perry of Minnesota State Board of Investment; Susan Ridlen of Eli Lilly; Anthony Waskiewicz of Mercy Health, St. Louis.
6:30 p.m. – Registration and Cocktails in Astor Hall (sponsored by Solovis)
7:30 p.m. – Dinner and Awards in the Celeste Bartos Forum
Following dinner, Winners Reception in Astor Hall (sponsored by Income Research & Management)