Class of 2024 NextGens
Already leaders in their organizations, these rising stars stand to become chief investment officers themselves.
Didier Acevedo -
Niraj Agarwal -
Shanelle Brown -
Jason Chang -
Ashley Dennig Blodgett -
Alex Far -
Alessandro Gregori -
Ben Kniola -
Zachary Mees -
Chase Nicholson -
Ryan Owens -
Julia Reilly -
Darren Schlissel
CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER NextGens are allocators who stand to become chief investment officers themselves someday. They are known for their virtuous mixture of financial knowledge, interpersonal skills and forward thinking. They have a knack for seeing around corners and are already leaders in their organizations and their communities.
Each year, we at CIO ask for nominations for the brightest up-and-comers from the universe of public pensions, corporate pensions, endowments, foundations, sovereign wealth funds and any other categories of institutional asset allocators. For those not nominated by their CIOs, we ask their CIOs to endorse them. We then give each nominee a set of questions, the answers to which help reveal their personalities and their approach to investing and markets. Their responses offer glimpses into how these individuals think about investing, markets and the industry and why they are leaders.
You may view each NextGen’s response by clicking on their photo.—CIO Editorial Team
NextGensNominations Open: May To receive invitations and reminders for the Chief Investment Officer NextGens, click here. |