News Archive: Nov - 2011

The End Game

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: Plan sponsors, in their dream of dreams, would love to get here.

Increasing Complexity

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: If the world ran out of long bonds, what would plan sponsors do?

Troubles in Transition

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: Does the structure of the business benefit transition management providers at the expense of users?

LDI’s Founding Document

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: The academic and regulatory work that constitutes the basis for modern-day LDI.

The Definition of Hip

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: Liability-driven investing, like aviator sunglasses and sweatbands, is cool. We just forgot about it for a generation.

Utter Confusion

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: The first step is understanding the scope of the problem--and the potential solutions. 

The Other Morgan Stanley

From aiCIO Magazine's 2011 Liability-Driven Investing Issue: Wall Street is under fire for bad risk management. So why is Morgan Stanley’s defined benefit pension, of all things, so good at it?