Multiple Equities Net Mississippi PERS 14.96% FY Return

Fund bumped to $26.9 billion.

Driven by various equities, the Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) returned a gross 14.96% in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017.

Leading the pack for the past 12 months was international equities at 22.3%, global equities at 20.25%, private equity at 20.12%, and domestic equities at 19.08%.

Following these returns for the $26.9 billion pension fund were real estate at 6.76% and fixed income at 2.39%.

This brought three-, five-, and 10-year total returns to 6.34%, 10.08%, and 5.58%, respectively.

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According to the fund’s investment report, asset allocations for the period were 31.71% domestic equities, 22.43% international equities, 18.54% fixed income, 9.88% real estate, 9.33% global equities, 6.93% private equity, and 1.17% cash.

Benchmarks were not provided in the report.


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