National Geographic Society Dedicates $50M of Endowment to Impact Investments

Cambridge Associates’ CA Capital Management will manage the nonprofit’s impact investment program.

The National Geographic Society has announced that it will commit $50 million of its $1.2 billion endowment to impact investing. The new investment program—aimed at furthering the nonprofit’s dedication to solutions for a sustainable future—will be managed by Cambridge Associates’ outsourced CIO business, CA Capital Management.  

“At National Geographic, we are committed to changing the world through science, exploration, education, and storytelling,” said Gary E. Knell, president and CEO of the National Geographic Society, in a news release. “We recognized the opportunity to double down on our ability to make an impact—contributing to a better society not just through the grants we make, but by making investments that deliver both financial and societal returns.”

“Our ability to generate social and financial returns is one more way to help drive research, exploration, and education, all geared toward increasing people’s understanding of the world,” added Jean Case, chairman of the National Geographic Society Board of Trustees.

Nonprofits are increasingly interested in impact investing programs that align their philanthropic and investment goals, noted David Druley, chairman and CEO of Cambridge Associates.

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