PBGC Requests Nominations for Open Advisory Council Position

The deadline for nominations is February 16.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has called for nominations and supporting letters to fill a vacancy on the PBGC Advisory Committee that will open on February 19. The position represents the interests of the general public.

The PBGC Advisory Committee advises the PBGC on matters of investment policy and other matters related to the PBGC’s mission, as requested. The committee meets six times per year and is composed of seven members appointed by the president, who each serve a three-year term. The Secretaries of Labor, Treasury and Commerce deliver recommendations to the President based on the nominations. Two members represent the interests of labor, two sponsoring employers and three the general public.

The PBGC says nominees should have experience in pension administration or advice or a related field.

No more than four members can be members of the same political party, and lobbyists are not eligible. The PBGC will contact nominees for information on their affiliation and status as a lobbyist. The PBGC will not accept self-nominations without supporting letters.

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Nominations and supporting letters can be sent in the form of letter to the PBGC and signed by the person making the nomination. The letter should include: the nominee’s qualifications, an affirmation that they would accept the position if offered, the nominee’s full name and contact information and the nominee’s work affiliation. It must also include the nominator’s name, contact information and signature.

The time commitment for members is typically about 15 days per year, according to the PBGC.

The deadline to send nominations or supporting letters is February 16.

