(December 20, 2010) – On December 2, 2010, aiCIO hosted 150 of the world’s asset owners, consultants, asset managers, and asset servicers at New York City’s Chelsea Piers for our inaugural Industry Innovation Awards. Cocktails flowed. Dinner steamed. Speeches were read. Awards were…awarded.
What did these awards mean? They meant innovation – not just for the sake of it, but also for the greater preservation of capital. They meant understanding, and acting upon, material risks in today's markets. They meant long-term, consistent results – and establishing a solid foundation for future returns. They meant understanding the goal at hand, and marshaling all available resources to meet that goal. They meant many things, brought together within a small number of service providers and funds that can truly be considered Industry Innovators.
aiCIO would like to extend its thanks to all those who attended and supported this event. We look forward to continuing and expanding upon our Industry Innovation Awards for 2011 with the aim of further honoring those who commit their time and energy towards such a worthy cause.
Click here for a photo gallery of the evening.
To contact the <em>aiCIO</em> editor of this story: Kristopher McDaniel at <a href='mailto:kmcdaniel@assetinternational.com'>kmcdaniel@assetinternational.com</a>