Jerome Powell’s Lousy Market Record for Fed Day Ends
Since he took over the Federal Reserve, stocks had dropped on days when its policymaking body wrapped up work—until yesterday.
Since he took over the Federal Reserve, stocks had dropped on days when its policymaking body wrapped up work—until yesterday.
As rates rise, company share repurchases using leverage dipped to 14% of total in 2018, half the 2017 level, JPMorgan says.
Nuveen’s veteran stock strategist thinks it will surpass the 1990s’ record by summer.
Historically, the S&P 500 has been flat when federal functions grind to a halt, and the index is up 7.5% since the latest closure.
Under Federal Reserve chief, the S&P 500 has a history of selling off when the policymaking body meets.
Though he has been wrong before. Remember ‘irrational exuberance’?
CFRA’s market guru sees nation avoiding both an ‘EPS recession’ and an economic one.
Volatility in equity markets continues to concern plan sponsors.
Morgan Stanley’s Wilson, who called the 2017 blowout and the 2018 letdown, sees more of the same for next year.
Increased discount rates, global equity returns generate uptick in the ratios for plans in the index.
MIT study shows how reaction to the 2016 presidential election shaped investing along partisan lines.
Yale professor sees stocks as way overvalued and thinks investors are fooling themselves about continued increases.
Rising equities were offset by a falling discount rate during the month.
When the market has been good before the ninth month, its poor rep doesn’t matter.
Value stocks are showing more life of late, which could signal a pullback, firm says.