For the world’s largest asset owners
January 20, 2023
‘Investor Identity’: Bringing Together the Main Drivers of Investment Returns
Stanford University’s Ashby Monk and Dane Rook, in a new academic paper, classify the leading factors determining investment returns for institutional investors.
Hidden Risks Still Bedevil Allocators’ Returns, Updated Study Warns
Institutional investors’ attempts at diversification often are self-defeating, says NTAM in a new version  of its 2020 jeremiad.
Private Credit Defaults Nudge Up: A Warning?
Private Equity Continues as Top Performer for Pension Plans, Study Says
Illinois Police Fund Seeks Credit Manager
Saudia Arabia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Bolsters Renewable Investments
How Insurers’ Investment Portfolios Thrive Despite Loss, Catastrophe
Dallas Pensions’ Low Returns, Funded Ratios Blamed on Private Equity Performance, Allocation
Swiss Re, Mercer UK Name New CIOs
The new investment chiefs for both firms are in-house hires.
Trending: 2022 Power 100

Leadership is most critical in turbulent times. In 2022, these leading allocators held their investment convictions and their asset allocation plans.

Trending: NYC Pension Fund-Led Group Strikes Deal With Apple on Workers’ Rights to Organize
Tech giant agrees to publish independent assessment on employees’ rights to unionize.
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