
Following Pension Tension, Pittsburgh's Schemes Gain Value

With Pittsburgh's pension still less than 30% funded and up against a state takeover earlier this year, the City Council reported good news about the city's schemes, which gained ground in the last three months of 2010.

UK Pensions Report Surplus Growth

The UK's 6,560 final-salary schemes in the private sector covered by the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) have seen their surpluses over their liabilities more than double in January.

Comptroller Liu Says NYC Pensions Enjoy 6-Month Return of 16%

According to New York City Comptroller John C. Liu's testimony before a joint hearing of the New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the State Senate Finance Committee in Albany, the city's pension funds' 6-month return has topped 16%.

PIMCO's Gross Says Bankers Should Be Ashamed

In a 2,000-word diatribe, PIMCO's Bill Gross has said that Central bankers compare unfavorably to the devil and that money managers have failed to properly allocate capital.

Bloomberg Urges Major Reform to Plug Pension Hole

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed a major overhaul of the city's expensive pension system, which he has said would be his administration's No. 1 priority in Albany.

ATP Brings Low-Cost Pension Alternative to the UK

With the help of former Conservative pensions spokesman Nigel Waterson, Danish pension ATP is set to launch an alternative to the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) targeting low to middle-income earners.

What Your Consultant Is Saying About…Egypt

As popular unrest and protests diffuse from Egypt and Tunisia to Jordan and Yemen, investment consultants remain calm, keeping a watchful eye on emerging markets while suggesting a long-term view.