May 30, 2016
An influential consultant leaps to the defense of the Canadian pension following public criticism.
May 27, 2016
Daniel Godfrey was forced out of the Investment Association in October.
Asset Allocation
May 26, 2016
Equally weighted stock portfolios consistently rank among the largest mean returns, best Sharpe ratios, and lowest turnover, according to Horizon Investments.
Manager Selection
May 26, 2016
The Boston-based firm beat out five other bidders, and won Orange County’s grueling 56-page RFP for a new general consultant.
Asset Allocation
May 25, 2016
Move away from the policy portfolio and dive into factors, long-short positions, and alpha-beta separation, Ken Frier and Gretchen Tai argue.
Manager Selection
May 25, 2016
Popular advice on how to invest in international equity markets is often mistaken, says Parametric’s Paul Bouchey.
May 25, 2016
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission charged the bank and its Japanese branches with rigging interest-rate benchmarks.
May 25, 2016
An activist group is stepping up pressure on the Netherlands’ biggest listed company—but the country’s top investors are wary of extreme action.
Manager Selection
May 24, 2016
Investment chief Jon Grabel says public pensions should continue to be wary of investment terms that overly benefit general partners.
May 24, 2016
The OCIO manager has picked up assets from the Healthcare Foundation of Wilson, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the BHP Billiton Foundation.
Manager Selection
May 24, 2016
More than two-thirds of North American public and private sector pensions choose funds-of-funds for private equity exposures, Preqin has found.
May 24, 2016
Addressing the uncertain and unpredictable effects of climate change is “the essence of risk management,” Wilshire Associates argues.
Asset Allocation
May 23, 2016
Just as America’s largest pension fund weighs getting back into tobacco investment, the world’s largest insurance fund announces a break up with the sector.
May 23, 2016
The UK insurer’s American investment arm meanwhile will dive into risk-premia strategies with a new multi-asset team.
May 23, 2016
The fund’s COO Robert Ettl will serve as interim investment head until CEO Stephen Blyth returns.