The Conservatives, headed by David Cameron, lead Labour in the seat count in the House of Commons, but exit polls suggested that Conservatives would fall short of the 326 seats needed to form a majority by about 20 votes.
The state is suing California pension fund officials Federico
Buenrostro Jr. and Alfred R. Villalobos for their role in an alleged
scheme to obtain business for investment firms, providing pension
officials with luxury trips and other gifts.
Auditors found that PBGC, which protects workers’ benefits when a company defaults on its pension plans, suffered from a "material weakness," the accounting equivalent of an F grade.
US pension funds and other shareholders have aggressively sued
Goldman Sachs in the wake of SEC fraud charges, but the Oracle of Omaha
defends the bank's credibility.
Pension industry lobbyists have been
trying to persuade Senate leaders to change and clarify the legislative
provisions that would negatively impact pension fund swaps; the FDIC's
Sheila Bair opposes segregation of swaps units.