Nvidia Shows ‘Em: Explosive Results Boost Nervous Market
Before the chipmaker’s earnings release, stocks had been down.
Before the chipmaker’s earnings release, stocks had been down.
BCA Research sketches out how such events could roil the markets—and the world.
The amount of investment needed for this enormous task is $4 trillion yearly, but the effort is gearing up now.
The iPhone maker has flat revenue at best, while the software titan enjoys major top-line growth.
The nation’s stocks out-run everyone else’s, and should continue to, per the firm’s outlook.
Why emerging markets, now in the doldrums, will come back, per Lazard.
The iPhone maker faces hurdles, while its rival appears to have a smoother path.
Dutch pension funds’ assets in Asia have declined by nearly 28 billion euros since the end of 2021.
The company’s key product, the latest version of which will be unveiled Tuesday, has boosted the stock in the past.
The big yield advantage they enjoyed over developed countries’ debt issues has narrowed, but EM paper retains other pluses.
Labor and mineral shortages, plus other problems, stand in the way, a bank study says.
Investors looking for global diversification have had a tough time in recent years, but there are pockets of opportunity.