Prudential’s Asset Management Unit Names HSBC’s Vis Nayar CIO
Nayar leaves HSBC after more than 25 years at the company.
Nayar leaves HSBC after more than 25 years at the company.
Dollar volume lagged, but that may be a sign of smaller plans’ increased use of PRTs.
Prudential, MetLife to take over responsibility for 100,000 participants and beneficiaries.
Latest 8-K reveals $2.6 billion in LDI transactions.
Firm says market for pension de-risking is expanding at its fastest pace in years.
Prudential will take over the benefit obligations of 23,000 retirees.
Insurer Prudential will now carry the retirement obligations of 13,000 Raytheon members and beneficiaries.
Retirement incomes have surged 30% in the past five years.
Following the $1.3 billion group annuity purchase of 45,000 International Paper pensions, Prudential’s senior vice president and actuary shows CIO how it’s done.