For the world’s largest asset owners
December 16, 2020
DOL Finalizes Fiduciary Exemption Consistent with Best Interest Standard

Investment professionals can collect payment for a wider range of transactions, so long as they satisfy the reinstated ‘five-part test’ for fiduciaries.

Maybe Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell Can Actually Work Together

Northern Trust’s Browne is optimistic that the new president is simpatico with the GOP Senate leader, who blocked many Obama initiatives.

Supreme Court Rules Investors Cannot Sue for Omissions in Disclosures
NBIM Denied Private Equity Investing Permission, For Now
CalPERS To Helm Climate Action 100+
Long-Lagging Venture Capital Shows Signs of Possible Turnaround
Shareholder Funding Dries Up for Thames Water; Regulator Blamed
Geopolitics Operates with Long and Variable Lags
SPONSORED BY J.P. Morgan Asset Management
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Public Pensions Fail to Rebound with Market Rally

Report says the worst of the COVID-19 recession has ‘yet to be fully felt by state governments and public retirement systems.’

Former Nanotech Firm CEO Charged with Fraud over Fictitious Cancer Detector

James Barbera allegedly told investors that his firm had a NASA-developed breathalyzer that could detect cancer and narcotics.

In Focus: Will the Wheels Come Off the Market in 5 Years?

Doubts rise that stock’s boffo performance will keep rolling through 2025, although almighty tech might let it maintain some momentum, savants say.

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