Kentucky Governor Reveals “Keeping the Promise” Plan to Aid Pension System
Teachers, hazard workers to keep current benefits until 27 years of service is reached.
Teachers, hazard workers to keep current benefits until 27 years of service is reached.
Special legislative session may begin in early November.
Performance places TRS in top 8% of large pension funds.
Despite double-digit returns for KRS, coalition is one of 23 groups calling for the separation.
In his quest for state pension reform, Gov. Bevin just made it easier to keep the public informed on retirement plan updates.
Plan has already gone to Council on Postsecondary Education.
Tells WEKU he must “focus first on the pension issue.”
The state’s main pension funds’ returns ranged from 12.5% to 13.81%.
The senator also says passing SB 226 could help the state’s police fund.
Audit report finds state faces funding shortfall of $33 billion.