2019 Liability-Driven Investment Survey

Industry Trends

Investable Asset Types

Defined Benefit Plan Status

All <$5B >$5B
Open to new entrants and accruals 22% 17% 28%
Frozen 36% 45% 27%
Closed to new entrants, members still accruing 34% 30% 38%
Other 8% 8% 8%

Current Funded Ratio

Current Funded Ratio

All <$5B >$5B
PPA/MAP–21 basis (%) 103% 101% 106%
PPA/24–month average segment rates basis (%) 94% 93% 95%
GAAP PBO basis, for funded plans only (%) 92% 90% 94%

Plan’s “End Game”

All <$5B >$5B
Keep plan open and maintain 19% 12% 27%
Continue to manage/de–risk on balance sheet 50% 52% 47%
Offer lump sums 5% 9% 1%
Buy–out 13% 16% 10%
Freeze plan 4% 1% 7%
Close plan to new entrants 3% 1% 4%
Other 5% 7% 3%
Buy–in 1% 1% 0%