2023 Liability-Driven Investment Survey

Provider Profiles

MetLife Investment Management (MIM)

Summary of Offering

MIM has provided corporate pension clients with liability-driven investing and long-duration investment management since 2000. The team has managed portfolios against public benchmarks, against custom LDI benchmarks and against liabilities. MIM uses credit research, trading and portfolio management strengths to build portfolios using investment-grade credit as the foundation. MIM portfolios are duration-neutral using bottom-up security selection to provide repeatable risk-adjusted returns.

MIM provides supporting LDI services, including use of Moody’s Analytics PFaroe defined benefit pension risk management, optimization and reporting system. PFaroe is the recognized leader in LDI for U.S. corporate pension plans.”

Client Restrictions: None

Business Summary (as of 06/30/2023)

Total LDI clients 65
Total LDI mandates 86
Total LDI assets under management (US$) $34.2B

Regions With Active Mandates

Canada X
U.K. X
Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland X
Asia X
Australia X
All other locations X

Sizes With Active Mandates

$500MM – $1B
>$1B – $5B
>$5B – $10B X
>$10B X

Regions With Asset Allocations

Canada X
U.K. X
Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland X
Asia X
Australia X
All other locations X

Asset Classes With Asset Allocations

Publicly Traded equities X
Fixed income – Government only
Fixed income – Investment grade (BBB- or higher) credit
Fixed income – Below investment grade credit X
Fixed income – Multisector X
Fixed income – Other X
Cash X
Private equity X
Non private equity alternative investments, including real estate X
Any other asset classes not mentioned above X
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