2018 Liability-Driven Investment Survey

Industry Trends

Percentage of Portfolio in LDI

Percentage of Portfolio in LDI

Hedge Ratio

Hedge Ratio

Glide Path in Place

Use of Derivatives

All <$1B >$1B
Yes, written into IPS as a ‘contract’ 9% 8% 9%
Yes, written into IPS as an ‘intent’ 33% 8% 36%
Yes, but not written into IPS 30% 17% 32%
No, but plan to 9% 33% 6%
No, and no plans to 19% 33% 16%

Are Your Triggers…

Are Your Triggers...

All <$1B >$1B
Automatic 26% 38% 25%
Within a range 74% 63% 75%

Are your triggers based on:

Are your triggers based on:

All <$1B >$1B
Funded ratio 89% 89% 89%
Interest rates 30% 0% 33%
Market outlook 12% 0% 14%
Other 6% 11% 6%

Number of LDI Providers Used

All <$1B >$1B
Average 3.2 1.6 3.4
Median 3 1 3

Inhibitors to LDI

Hedge Ratio

1 4 5 6 7 8 20