2020 Transition Management Survey

Transition Manager Profiles

Russell Investments

Summary of Offering

Russell Investments Implementation Services, LLC (RIIS) combines low cost, skilled implementation with fiduciary oversight to transition events for large institutional asset owners. RIIS partners with their clients to create custom implementation strategies that reduce cost, minimize risk and ease operational burden for asset owners. While some models view transitions as just a large trade, the RIIS transition model conducts each event as a short-term asset management assignment, aligning the process with the asset owner’s highest priority: Minimizing the performance impact of portfolio changes.

Client Restrictions: None

Business Summary (as of 09/30/2020)

Total TM clients 74
Total TM mandates 197
Total assets transitioned ($USD) >$84.5B

Regions with Clients that Completed TM Events (2019-2020)

Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland
All other locations

Summary of Client Feedback from 2020 Survey

Total respondents 9
Net recommendation/promoter score N/A
% independently audited N/A
% accepted fiduciary role over event N/A

Responses by transition type

Principal N/A
Agency N/A
Hybrid N/A

Responses by value of securities transitioned

<$50MM N/A
$50MM – $250MM N/A
>$250MM – $1B N/A
>$1B – $3B N/A
>$3B N/A

Client ratings
5 = Extremely satisfied; 1 = Unsatisfied

Transition strategies and planning capabilities N/A
Operational capabilities and trading quality N/A
Risk management capabilities N/A
Quality/transparency of reporting N/A
Accuracy of pre-trade estimate N/A
Transparency of disclosures N/A
Overall project management N/A
Knowledge/responsiveness of staff N/A
NR = Not Reported in time for publication
N/A = Not Applicable (providers needed a minimum of 10 responses to be rated)