2020 Transition Management Survey

Transition Manager Profiles


Summary of Offering

The BlackRock Transition Management team was established in 1993, as one of the world’s first providers of dedicated transition management services. BlackRock’s Transition Management team consists of over 60 professionals located in San Francisco, New York, London, Amsterdam, Budapest, Hong Kong and Tokyo, all operating on a single global technology platform, Aladdin. Its goal is to manage transitions cost-effectively and with minimal disruption to portfolios. BlackRock offers a full suite of transition services from comprehensive cost analysis to advisory services and interim management, to transition service management.

Client Restrictions: None reported

Business Summary (as of 09/30/2020)

Total TM clients NR
Total TM mandates NR
Total assets transitioned ($USD) NR

Regions with Clients that Completed TM Events (2019-2020)

Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland
All other locations

Summary of Client Feedback from 2020 Survey

Total respondents 19
Net recommendation/promoter score 74%
% independently audited 16%
% accepted fiduciary role over event 79%

Responses by transition type

Principal 5%
Agency 68%
Hybrid 26%

Responses by value of securities transitioned

<$50MM 0%
$50MM – $250MM 5%
>$250MM – $1B 37%
>$1B – $3B 26%
>$3B 32%

Client ratings
5 = Extremely satisfied; 1 = Unsatisfied

Transition strategies and planning capabilities 4.89
Operational capabilities and trading quality 4.68
Risk management capabilities 4.74
Quality/transparency of reporting 4.84
Accuracy of pre-trade estimate 4.58
Transparency of disclosures 4.68
Overall project management 4.74
Knowledge/responsiveness of staff 4.84
NR = Not Reported in time for publication
N/A = Not Applicable (providers needed a minimum of 10 responses to be rated)
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