2020 Transition Management Survey

Transition Manager Profiles

Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Summary of Offering

Citi provides solutions to the complex needs of the world’s largest asset owners in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Citi has the largest proprietary global network with physical presence in 97 countries, trading desks in 77 markets, and clearing/custody in 63 markets. Citi Transition Management draws on the unique skills of a global investment bank and one of the largest custody networks to deliver solutions. Operating from within the world’s most global bank allows us to provide our clients with very competitive commission rates. Citi Transition Management’s value proposition can be summarized as boutique service at wholesale prices.

Client Restrictions: Typically >$5B in sub-advised assets. Please contact provider for more details.

Business Summary (as of 09/30/2020)

Total TM clients >150
Total TM mandates >150
Total assets transitioned ($USD) >$150B

Regions with Clients that Completed TM Events (2019-2020)

Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland
All other locations

Summary of Client Feedback from 2020 Survey

Total respondents 20
Net recommendation/promoter score 75%
% independently audited 5%
% accepted fiduciary role over event 76%

Responses by transition type

Principal 0%
Agency 80%
Hybrid 20%

Responses by value of securities transitioned

<$50MM 5%
$50MM – $250MM 16%
>$250MM – $1B 32%
>$1B – $3B 32%
>$3B 16%

Client ratings
5 = Extremely satisfied; 1 = Unsatisfied

Transition strategies and planning capabilities 4.70
Operational capabilities and trading quality 4.80
Risk management capabilities 4.70
Quality/transparency of reporting 4.65
Accuracy of pre-trade estimate 4.40
Transparency of disclosures 4.60
Overall project management 4.85
Knowledge/responsiveness of staff 4.75
NR = Not Reported in time for publication
N/A = Not Applicable (providers needed a minimum of 10 responses to be rated)
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