2020 Transition Management Survey

Transition Manager Profiles

Abel Noser, LLC

Summary of Offering

As an industry leading provider of Transaction Cost Analysis, Abel Noser has a long history of working with asset owners to lower the costs associated with implementing their investment decisions. Transition management is a natural extension of this mission. Abel has built its trading environment from the ground up with one goal in mind: to consistently deliver measurably better executions. Their transition management offering is grounded in an agency execution, coupled with a thoughtful, TCA-based approach to managing risk and sourcing liquidity.

Client Restrictions: None

Business Summary (as of 09/30/2020)

Total TM clients 102
Total TM mandates 174
Total assets transitioned ($USD) $30.3B

Regions with Clients that Completed TM Events (2019-2020)

Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland
All other locations

Summary of Client Feedback from 2020 Survey

Total respondents 11
Net recommendation/promoter score 100%
% independently audited 18%
% accepted fiduciary role over event 89%

Responses by transition type

Principal 36%
Agency 55%
Hybrid 9%

Responses by value of securities transitioned

<$50MM 9%
$50MM – $250MM 55%
>$250MM – $1B 36%
>$1B – $3B 0%
>$3B 0%

Client ratings
5 = Extremely satisfied; 1 = Unsatisfied

Transition strategies and planning capabilities 4.91
Operational capabilities and trading quality 4.91
Risk management capabilities 4.82
Quality/transparency of reporting 5.00
Accuracy of pre-trade estimate 4.82
Transparency of disclosures 4.82
Overall project management 4.91
Knowledge/responsiveness of staff 5.00
NR = Not Reported in time for publication
N/A = Not Applicable (providers needed a minimum of 10 responses to be rated)
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